


展出 Exhibition




Raymond Saunders



旧金山 de Young 艺术馆
旧金山 Palace of the Legion of Honor 博物馆
明尼阿波利斯 Walker 艺术中心
萨克拉门托 Crocker 美术馆
Chrysler 美术馆



2009 “Raymond Saunders-纸本作品”,搞艺术画廊,上海。
2007 “匹兹堡”,Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
2005 “Broadside”,Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
2004 Galerie Resche, 巴黎,法国。
Schneider 美术馆,南俄勒冈大学,美国。
2003 “Raymond Saunders, Jean-Michel Basquiat”(双人展)Galerie Sho,东京,日本;
“新作展”,Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
2002 “Raymond Saunders”,Jerome Cuzin 中心,Auch,法国。
2001 “纸本作品”,Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
2000 Cooley 纪念艺术画廊,Reed 学院,波特兰,美国。
1999 “新作展”,Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
1998 Hunter 学院/CUNY 艺术画廊,纽约,美国。
Galerie Resche, 巴黎,法国。
1997 “现在-缺席”,Sawhill 画廊,James Madison 大学,美国。
1996 卡耐基美术馆,匹兹堡,美国;
Holderbank (双人展),苏黎世,瑞士;
“Raymond Saunders-纸本作品”,迈阿密大学美术馆。
1995 “Raymond Saunders-黑色绘画”,
de Young 美术馆,旧金山,美国;
De Chirico 美术馆,希腊。
1994 凤凰城美术馆,凤凰城,美国;
Tucson 美术馆,Tucson,美国;
“Raymond Saunders-新作”,奥克兰美术馆,奥克兰,美国。
1992 Tampa 美术馆,Tampa,美国。
1990 宾夕凡尼亚艺术学院,费城,美国。
1989 Phillips 学院 Addison 美国艺术画廊,麻省,美国。
1988 Greenville 县美术馆,南卡,美国。
1987 美国银行,旧金山,美国;
Phillips 学院 Addison 美国艺术画廊,麻省,美国。
1986 俄亥俄州立大学艺术画廊,俄亥俄州,美国。
1984 洛杉矶市政府画廊,洛杉矶,美国。
1983 德州大学,圣安东尼奥,德州, 美国。
1982 亚历桑纳州大学,亚历桑纳州,美国。
1981 Hunter学院画廊,纽约,美国;
1980 Triton 美术馆,加州。美国。
1979 Stephen Wirtz 画廊,旧金山,美国。
1976 柏克莱大学美术馆,柏克莱,美国。
1975 Carleton 学院,美国。
1974 宾夕凡尼亚艺术学院,费城,美国。
1972-73 费城艺术画廊,费城,美国;
Providence 美术馆,罗得岛,美国;
Terry Dintenfass 画廊,纽约,美国。
1971 旧金山现代美术馆,旧金山,美国。
1969 Dartmouth 学院,美国。



2004 “1990-2003 调查展”,洛杉矶加州大学,美国。
“难得一看:Napa 地区美国现代艺术收藏展”,
Napa Valley 美术馆,Napa Valley,美国。
2003 “当代拼置作品”,Santa Clara 大学 de Saisset 美术馆,美国;
2002 “马德路德金博士德精神”巡回展,Smithsonian 学院, 美国;
“模糊的画像”,圣荷西当代艺术馆,圣荷西, 美国;
“精神之屋:美国非裔艺术家作品”,Miami-Dade 文化中心,
2001 “收集我们的思想”,圣荷西艺术馆,圣荷西, 美国;
2000 “力量与多元:非裔艺术家的庆典”,哈佛大学 Carpenter
“加、减、加”,Oliver 艺术中心,加州艺术学院,美国
1999 “湾区当今2”,Yerba Buena 艺术中心,旧金山,美国;
“看见爵士乐”巡回展,Smithsonian 学院,首都华盛顿,美国;
“加里弗利亚之梦” 美国银行藏品展,美国银行画廊,美国;
1997 “看见爵士乐”巡回展,Smithsonian 学院,首都华盛顿,美国;
迈阿密大学 Lowe 美术馆
Milwaukee 美术馆
“献给 George Herriman”,Campbell-Tiebaud 画廊,
“旧金山湾区艺术的亮点”,Shorenstein 公司,旧金山。
1997 “旧的‘新’卫士:第一部分”J.J. Brookings 画廊,旧金山。
1996 Addison 美国艺术画廊,Phillips 学院,麻省,美国。
Lakeview 艺术和科学馆,Peoria
VIrginia Beach 艺术中心
Tacoma 美术馆
Jackdsonville 美术馆
Walnut Creek 地区艺术中心,Bedford 画廊
“30多位湾区艺术家”奥克兰 Coliseum, 奥克兰美术馆主办。
1994 “20世纪艺术:永久藏品”,Hine Collection, Glens Falls。
“Hine 版量/Limestone 出版社:收藏作品”,T.W.史丹佛画廊,史丹佛大学,加州。
1993 “偷来的形象”,巡回展:
Flint 学院,Flint
Columbus 美术馆,Columbus
Oklahoma 城市美术馆,Oklahoma
Wichita 美术馆
Bergstorm-Malher 美术馆
“十位美国非裔艺术家”,Denfrei 画廊,哥本哈根,丹麦;
1991 “Achenbach 艺术基金会最新收藏作品;第二部分:1950-1991”,Palace of the Legion of Honor, 旧金山;
“Cruciformed”,Cleveland 当代艺术中心;
“加州单版画”,Sewall 艺术画廊,Rice 大学,休斯顿。
1990 “第42界学院收藏作品年展”,美国学会与艺术文学学院,纽约;
Harlem 工作室美术馆,纽约
“美国非裔艺术家,1880-1987”Smithsonian 学院 Evens
Tibbs 藏品展;
Chosun Ilbo 画廊, 首尔,韩国
Dowse 美术馆,Wellington,新西兰
Bishop Sutter 画廊,Nelson,新西兰
1989 “视觉艺术奖:东南当代艺术中心”,巡回展:
Fogg 画廊,哈佛,波士顿
BWM 画廊,纽约
BWM 画廊,慕尼黑,德国
“Raymond Saunders:某些选择;偶像黑人:影视艺术中的黑人审美”,长滩美术馆,加州
1988 “第40界学院收藏作品年展”,美国学会与艺术文学学院,纽约;
“Peter Seltz 选作”,柏克莱艺术中心,柏克莱,加州;
“西海岸当代”,Sierra Nevada 美术馆,Reno
“国家绘画邀请展”,Arkansas 艺术中心
1987 “美国制造”,柏克莱美术馆,巡回展:
Nelson Atkins 美术馆
Virginia 美术馆
“湾区的影响:四位艺术家”,Palo Alto 文化中心
“现代主义的第二阶段(1945 至今)”,Lathrop 画廊,Hood
美术馆, Dartmouth 学院
“传统与冲突:动荡十年的形象,1963-1973”巡回展,由Harlem 工作室美术馆主办并由独立册展人组织策划,纽约,册展人:Mary Schmidt Campbell 博士
1986 “个人选择”,Kansas 艺术学院
“美国非裔抽象艺术家:1945-1985”,Even-Tibbs 收藏
“转变的一代:当今美国黑人变化中的透视”,Hampton 大学
“马丁路德金:记录”,Eloise Smith 画廊,Santa Cruz加州大学


“The Menagerie”,旧金山国际机场
“第37界 Hassam and Speicher 基金会收藏年展”,
“Harlem 的复兴”,Bucknell 大学中心画廊

1984 “亮点:美国银行艺术藏品”,美国银行,旧金山
“旧金山湾区绘画”,Sheldon 纪念画廊,Nebraska 大学
“第二界西部州展览/第38界Corcoran 美国绘画双年展:
Brooklyn 美术馆
“西岸艺术家:第二部份”,Alternative 美术馆,纽约
1984 世博会(露易丝安那),美国非裔馆,新奥尔良
“可视的地方”,Richmond 艺术中心,加州美国非裔历史和文化博物馆
1983 最新当代艺术收藏,第一部分”,康耐基学院美术馆
“第二界西部州展览/Corcoran 美国绘画双年展”
“七位美国艺术家”,Cleveland 美术馆
1982 “Resource/Reservoir:拼置作品”,旧金山现代美术馆
1981 “40位加州名人”,Bennington 大学画廊
“40位加州名人”,Judith Christian 画廊,纽约
“10位加州艺术家”,美国非裔美术馆,Loker 画廊,加州
“后现代的隐喻”,Alternative 美术馆,纽约
1980 “James Michener 美国艺术藏品展”,Wichita Falls 美术馆
1979 “10x10:奥克兰美术馆,第一个十年”,奥克兰美术馆
1978 “涂鸦”,旧金山现代美术馆
Palazzo delle Exposizioni,罗马,意大利
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe美术馆,汉堡,德国
Musee des Arts Decoratifs,巴黎,法国
Musee des Arts Decoratifs,Lausanne,瑞士
Minneapolis 美术馆
Louisuana 美术馆,哥本哈根,丹麦
Cooper-Hewitt 美术馆
1977 Stedelijk ,美术馆,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰
North Jutland 美术馆,丹麦
Kunstlerhaous, 维也纳,奥地利
Henie-Onstad 美术馆,奥斯陆,罗威
1976 芝加哥科技与工业博物馆
Aberdeen 画廊,苏格兰
1974 William Hayes Ackland 艺术中心
Virginia 美术馆
Pace 画廊,纽约
Harlem 工作室美术馆
1973-72 “惠特尼双年展”,惠特尼美术馆
Pace 画廊,纽约
1952-1971 惠特尼美术馆



1989 视觉艺术奖:西南当代艺术中心
1984 美国国家艺术基金奖
1977 美国国家艺术基金奖
1976 古根汉姆奖金
1975 旧金山 KQED 艺术奖
宾州艺术学院 Granger 纪念奖
1972 四人协会艺术奖,长滩
1970 Atwater Kent 奖
1968 Lee 文化中心奖,费城
1964 罗马奖,意大利,1964-66
1961 旧金山现代美术馆 Schwabcher Frey 奖
1959 匹兹堡 Playhouse 画廊邀请展,三等奖
1957 宾州艺术学院油画一等奖
1956 Cresson 欧洲旅行奖学金
Thomas Eakins 奖
Thoron 油画一等奖


1961 艺术硕士,加州艺术学院,奥克兰,加州
1960 艺术学士,康耐基技术学院,匹兹堡,宾州
1957 宾州艺术学院,费城,宾州
1955 Barnes 基金,宾州大学
1953 美国国家学术奖学金
1953 康耐基技术学院,匹兹堡,宾州


Raymond Saunders

Born in 1934, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Public Collections (selected):

Achenbach Foundation, Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
William Hayes Ackland Art Center, Chapel Hill, NC
Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover MA
Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA
Bank of America, San Francisco, CA
Carnegie Institute, Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
Hunter college, New York, NY
Long Beach Museum, Long Beach, CA
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA
Mobil Oil
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
National Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, NY
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Portland Art Museum
The St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, St. Louis, MO
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA
University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY

Solo Exhibitions:

2009 “Raymond Saunders-Works on Paper”, Stir Gallery, Shanghai.
2007 “Pittsburgh”, Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
2005 “Paintings”, Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
“Broadsides”, Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
2004 Gallery Resche, Paris, France;
Schneider Museum of Art, Southern Oregon University,
Ashland, OR, USA.
2003 “Raymond Saunders/ Jean-Michel Basquiat” (two-person),
Galerie Sho, Tokyo, Japan;
"New Paintings," Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
2002 "Raymond Saunders," Centre Jerome Cuzin a AUCH, France.
2001 "Paintings & Works on Paper," Stephen Wirtz Gallery,
San Francisco, CA, USA;
Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art, Santa Monica, CA, USA.
2000 Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College, Portland, OR, USA.
1999 "New Works," Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
1998 Hunter College/CUNY Fine Arts Building Gallery, New York, USA;
Galerie Resche, Paris, France.
1997 "Presence and Absence", Sawhill Gallery,
James Madison University, Harrisburg, VA, USA.
1996 Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, USA;
Pittsburgh Center For The Arts, Pittsburgh PA, USA;
College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID, USA;
Holderbank, Zurich, Switzerland (two-person);
"Raymond Saunders: Works of Paper,"
Miami University Art Museum, Oxord, OH, USA;
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
American Embassy, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
1995 "Raymond Saunders: Black Paintings,"
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA, USA
De Chirico Museum, Greece.
1994 G.R. N'Nambi Gallery, Birmingham, MI, USA;
Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ, USA;
Tucson Art Museum, Tucson, AZ, USA;
"Raymond Saunders: New Work," Oakland Museum,
Oakland, CA, USA.
1993 Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Galerie Resche, Paris, France.
1992 Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, FL, USA.
1991 "Flowers from a Black Garden," Stephen Wirtz Gallery,
San Francisco, CA, USA
1990 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA;
"Raymond Saunders," Galerie Resche, Paris, France.
1989 Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
1988 Greenville County Museum, Greenville, SC, USA.
1987 Bank of America, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA
Cava Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA;
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
University Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA.
1986 University Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA;
Terry Ditenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA.
1985 Boise Gallery of Art, Boise, ID, USA;
Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, CA, USA;
Hunsaker/Schlesinger Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA;
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
1984 Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery,
Los Angeles, CA, USA.
1983 University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA.
1982 Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Arizona State University, Tempa, AZ, USA.
1981 Hunter College, Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA;
Traver/Sutton Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA;
Hunsaker-Schlesinger Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Seattle Art Museum. Seattle, WA, USA.
1980 Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA, USA;
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Baum/Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
1979 Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
1976 University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley,USA.
1975 Carleton College, North Field, MN, USA.
1974 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
1972-73 The Art Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA;
Providence Museum of Art, Providence, RI, USA;
Toronto Gallery, Toronto, Canada;
Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA
1971 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA.
1970 Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA.
1969 Beaumont-May Gallery, Hopkins Center,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA;
Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA.
1966 Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY, USA.


Selected Group Exhibitions:

2004 "A Survey Exhibition: Fade 1990-2003,"
California State University, Los Angeles, CA
"What's Doin," Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
"A Rare Glimpse: Modern American Art from Private Napa Valley
Collections, Napa Valley Museum, Napa, CA
2003 "Cut, Copy, Paste: The Art of Contemporary Collage,"
de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
"Desires of the Heart: Selected Contemporary Graphics,"
San Antonio Museum of Art, TX
2002 "In the Spirit of Martin: The Living Legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." a traveling exhibition organized by
The Smithsonian Institution and Verve Editions
"Portrait Obscured," The San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA
"Houses of the Spirit: Works by African American Artists,"
Miami-Dade Cultural Center, Miami, FL
2001 "Collecting Our Thoughts: The Community Responds to Art in
the Permanent Collection," San Jose Museum of Art, CA
2000 "Strength & Diversity: A Celebration of African American Artists,"
Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
"Add/Drop/Add," Oliver Art Center, California College of Arts
and Crafts, Oakland, CA
1999 “Gravity”, Maryland Institute College of Arts, Maryland, USA;
“East meet West”, Storyopolis, Los Angeles, USA;
“Babblelab Recent Work”, Reactor Gallery, Toronto, Canada
2001 “Contemporary Chinese Women Ceramics Exhibition”,
Guangdong Museum of Art, China
1999 "Bay Area Now 2," Yerba Buena Center for the Arts,
San Francisco, CA
"Seeing Jazz," traveling exhibition organized by
the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
"California Dreamin': Contemporary Art from the Bank of
America Collection," Bank of America Gallery, Mint Museum
of Craft + Design, Charlotte, NC
1997 "Seeing Jazz," traveling exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution. Venue: International Gallery,
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC;
"It's Only Rock and Roll," traveling exhibition. Venues include:
The Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ;
North Carolina Museum of Art; Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
and Museum, Cleveland, OH;
Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami;
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI
"The Unbroken Line, 1897-1997: One Hundred Years of Fellowship,
A Centennial Exhibition", Museum of American Art of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
"Homage to George Herriman", Campbell-Thiebaud Gallery,
San Francisco, CA
"Highlights of Art from the Bay Area", The Shorenstein Company, San Francisco, CA
1997 "The Old 'New' Guard: Part I", J.J. Brookings Gallery,
San Francisco, CA
1996 The Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy,
Andover, MA
"It's Only Rock and Roll," traveling exhibition. Venues include:
The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH;
Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, IL;
Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, VA;
Tacoma Art Museum, WA;
Jacksonville Museum of Art, Jacksonville, FL;
Bedford Gallery at the Regional Center for the Arts,
Walnut Creek, CA
"30 + East Bay Painters and Graphic Artists", Oakland Coliseum,
organized by the Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA
1995 "Blue," Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
"Paper Prescence," Jan Abrams Gallery, West Hollywood, CA
1994 Galerie Sho, Tokyo, Japan
Terry Dintenfass, Inc., New York, NY
"Art of the Twentieth Century: Selections from
the Permanent Collection," Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY, USA;
"Hine Editions/Limestone Press: Selections from the Archive,"
T.W. Stanford Art Gallery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1993 "The Purloined Image," traveling exhibition. Venues include:
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI;
Columbus Museum of Fine Arts, Columbus, OH;
Louisiana State University Museum of Fine Arts,
Baton Rouge, LA; Oklahoma City Museum of Art,
Oklahoma City, OK; Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS;
Bergstrom-Malher Museum, Neenah, WI
"Ten African American Artists," Denfrei Gallery,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Galerie Resche, in conjunction with FIAC
"Present Tense," University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, WI
"California: North and South," Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO
1991 "Recent Acquisitions of the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts;
Part Two: 1950 - 1991," California Palace of the Legion of Honor,
San Francisco, CA
"Cruciformed," Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art,
Cleveland, OH
"African and Latin American Art," National Museum of Arts,
Santiago, Chile
"Behind the Scenes: The Collaborative Process,"
Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
"California Monoprints," Sewall Art Gallery, Rice University,
Houston, TX
1990 "42nd Annual Academy-Institute Purchase Exhibition,"
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York,
"The Decade Show, Frameworks of Identity in the 1980's,"
traveling exhibition. Venues include:
Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art, New York, NY;
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY;
The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, NY
"African American Artists, 1880-1987," Selections from
the Evans Tibbs Collections, Smithsonian Institution,
"Art In Bloom," A.P. Gianni Gallery, San Francisco, CA
"Mind & Matter," traveling exhibition. Venues include:
The Chosun Ilbo Gallery, Seoul, Korea;
Dowse Art Museum, Wellington, New Zealand;
Bishop Sutter Gallery, Nelson, New Zealand;
Manila, Philippines; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan;
Hong Kong; National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
National Museum, Singapore
"Oakland's Artists," Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
1989 "Award for Visual Arts: South Eastern Center for Contemporary
Art," traveling exhibition. Venues include:
New Orleans, LA; SECCA South Carolina;
Fogg Gallery, Harvard, Boston, MA;
BMW Gallery, New York, NY; BMW Gallery, Munich, Germany.
"Twentieth Century Water Colors: Then and Now,"
Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA
"Raymond Saunders: Some Choices; Icono Negro:
The Black Aesthetic on Video Art," Long Beach Museum of Art,
Long Beach, CA
"New Paintings," Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
"The Appropriate Object," Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
1988 "40th Annual Academy Institute Purchase Exhibition,"
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, NY
"Drawing Invitational," Hooks Epstein Gallery, Houston, TX
"Peter Seltz Selects," The Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
"West Coast Contemporary," Sierra Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
"National Drawing Invitational," sponsored by AT&T Foundation
and M.M Cohn, Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, AR
"Selected Works by Black Artists from The Metropolitan Museum
of Art, Readers Digest, Pleasantville, NY
"Recent Prints from West Coast Presses," The Allport Gallery,
San Francisco, CA
Francine Seders Gallery, Ltd., Seattle, WA
1987 "Made in USA," University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA,
traveling exhibition. Other venues include:
Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas, MO;
Virginia Museum of Fine Art, Richmond, VA;
"Bay Area Influences: Four Artists," Palo Alto Cultural Center,
Palo Alto, CA
"Second Stage of Modernism (1945 to the present,)"
Lathrop Gallery, Hood Museum of Art,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
"Tradition and Conflict: Images of a Turbulent Decade,
1963-1973," traveling exhibition organized by the Studio Museum
in Harlem and circulated by the Independent Curators
Incorporated, New York, 1986-1988,
Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell, Curator.
1986 "Between Metaphor and Fact: Recent Drawing,"
Leonarda Di Maura Gallery, New York, NY
"Selected Works," Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, CA
"Personal Reference," Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
"Afro-American Abstract Artists: 1945-1985,"
The Evan-Tibbs Collection, Washington, DC
"Black Creativity, Generations in Transition: 80 Years of
Black American Expression," Museum of Science and Industry,
Chicago, IL
"Artists Food," San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco
"Generations in Transition: An Exhibit of Changing Perspectives
in Recent Black Americans, 1970-1984," Hampton University,
Hampton, VA
"Martin Luther King: A Documentary," Eloise Smith Gallery,
University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
1985 "The Menagerie," San Francisco Airports Commission,
San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, CA
"37th Annual Purchase Exhibition Hassam and Speicher Fund,"
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, NY
"Artist's Forum: Fine Arts Gallery, California State University,
Los Angeles, CA. Exhibition traveled to Studio Museum, Harlem, NY
"Harlem Renaissance," Bucknell University Center Gallery,
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
1984 "Highlights: Selections from the Bank of America Corporation
Art Collection," Bank of America, San Francisco, CA
"San Francisco Bay Area Painting," Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
"The Human Condition: SF MOMA Biennial III,"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
"Second Western State Exhibition/Corcoran 38th Biennial of
American Painting," Venues include:
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY;
Long Beach Museum, Long Beach, CA;
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
"West Coast Artists:Part II," Alternative Museum, New York, NY
Afro-American Pavilion, 1984 Louisiana World Exposition,
New Orleans, LA
"In Visible Places," Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
California Museum of Afro-American History and Culture,
Los Angeles, CA
1983 "Recent Acquisitions in Contemporary Art, Part I," Museum of Art,
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
"Seoul/San Francisco: Exchange of Prints and Drawings,"
Seoul Fine Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
"Second Western States Exhibition/The Corcoran Biennial Exhibition of American Painting," Scottsdale Center for the Arts,
Scottsdale, AZ
"Contemporary California Prints/World Prints '83," College of
Notre Dame Art Gallery, Belmont, CA
"Resource/Reservoir: CCAC 75 Years,"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
"Seven American Artists," The Cleveland Museum of Art,
Cleveland, OH
"Second Western State Exhibition/The 38th Corcoran Biennial
Exhibition of American Painting," Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Washington, DC
1982 "Resource/Reservoir: Collage and Assemblage,"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CA
"Afro-American Abstractions," Municipal Art Gallery,
Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA
1981 "Carnival of Critters," Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami, FL
"Forty Famous Californians," Bennington College Art Gallery,
Bennington, VT
"Forty Famous Californians," Judith Christian Gallery, New York
"Ten California Artists," The Museum of Afro-American Art,
Loker Gallery, California Museum of Science and Industry,
Exposition Park, Los Angeles, CA
"Masterpieces from the Permanent Collection,"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
"Post-Modernist Metaphors," The Alternative Museum, New York
"Masterpieces from our Bay Area Museums,"
Bay View Town Gallery, sponsored by Bay Federal Savings and
the San Francisco of Modern Art,
1980 "Selections from the James Michener Collection of American Art,
Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center, Wichita Falls, TX
"Fruits, Vegetables, Fish & Flowers,"
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA
"The Controlled Gesture: As Aspect of Bay Area Expression,"
Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA
"Collage Show," Mandeville Art Gallery, University of California,
San Diego, La Jolla, CA
"Freeing the Spirit: The Church in the Black Community,"
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
"Art of Hearts," The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco,
Downtown Center, San Francisco, CA
1979 The Art of Collage Today," Impressions Gallery, Boston, MA
"Ten x Ten: The Oakland Museum, The First Decade," Oakland, CA
"Collage Show," Baum/Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Group Show," Terry Dintenfass, Inc., New York, NY
"Approaches to Xerography," Municipal Art Gallery,
Barnsall Park, Los Angeles, CA
"Paper on Paper," San Francisco Museum of Modern Art,
San Francisco, CA
1978 Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY
"Graffitti," San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
Philadelphia Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia PA
Palazzo delle Exposizioni, Rome, Italy
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Mythology, New York, NY
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France
Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Lausanne, Switzerland
Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsall Park, Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN
Louisiana Museum, Humelbaek (Copenhagen), Denmark
"5 Painters," American Academy in Rome, New York, NY
Fiberworks, Berkeley, CA
Cooper-Hewitt Museum, The Smithsonian Instituttion's
National Museum of Design
Baum/Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1977 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
North Jutland Museum, Aalborg, Denmark
Kunstlerhaous, Vienna, Austria
Henie-Onstad Museum, Oslo, Norway
Die Neue Sammlung, Munich, Germany
Bergens Kunstforening, Bergen, Norway
1976 Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, IL
Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, New York
ICA Gallery, London, England
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX
Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland
1974 William Hayes Ackland Art Center, Chapel Hill, NC
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, MN
Sweetbriar College, Sweetbriar, VA
Studio Museum, Harlem, New York, NY
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Scripps College, Claremont, CA
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
Philadelphia Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Pace Gallery, New York, NY
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Montgomery Museum of Fine Art, Montgomery, AL
Memphis Academy of Art, Memphis, TN
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsall Park, Los Angeles, CA
Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, NE
Indiana University Art Museum,. Bloomfield, IN
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Fisk University, Nashville, TN
Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, CO
"Expo 4," Spokane, WA
Elvehjem Art Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
E.B. Crocker Art gallery, Sacramento, CA
Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Columbia Museum of Art And Science, Columbia, SC
Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, AR
Students' Union Building Gallery, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada
Stewart Hall, Pointe Claire, Canada
"Drawings USA," St. Paul Art Center, St. Paul, MN
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, CA
Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Sahawa, Canada
Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada
1972-73 York University, Downsview, Toronto, Canada
Winona State College, Winona, MN
"Whitney Biennial," Whitney Museum of American Art, NY
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE
University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
St. Louis Museum of Art, St. Louis, MO
Regina Public Library, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Pace Gallery, New York, NY
"Black USA: Now," New York Cultural Center, New York, NY
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada
Kitichener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitichener, Canada
Galerie d'art, Universitie de Moncton, Moncton, Canada
Ball State University, Washington, DC
The Art Museum, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
American Contemporary Art Gallery, New York, NY
Alberta College of Art, Alberta, Canada
1971 Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA
"Contemporary Black Artists in America,"
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
"Contemporary Prints by Major Artists," Judith Golden Gallery,
Woodmere, NY
Illinois Arts Council, (traveling exhibition - 8 Museums)
"Recent Acquisitions," Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Terry Dentenfass Gallery, New York, NY
"Collages by American Artists," Ball State University, Muncie, IN
1970 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
The Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Smith College, Northampton, MA
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ
"Card Design," Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Museum of Modern Art, Sales and Rental Gallery, New York, NY
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, NY
Lincoln University, Lincoln, PA
Lehigh College, Lehigh Pennsylvania
La Jolla Museum of Art, La Jolla, CA
32nd Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Painting, FL
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX
Boston Museum of Fine Art, Boston, MA
Purchase Exhibition, American Academy of Arts & Letters, NY
1969 "Recent Trends in American Art," Westmoreland, PA
"Thirty Contemporary Black Artists,"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
"Afro-American Artists, 1800-1969," Philadelphia Art Museum,
Philadelphia, PA
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI
Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Spring American Art Survey, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
American Academy of Arts and Letters, National Institute of Arts
and Letters, New York, NY
1968 Philadelphia Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Minneapolis Institute of Art, New York, NY
"Fifteen American Artists," American Federation of Arts,
New York, NY (traveling exhibition)
1966-67 UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (traveling exhibition)
1966 "The Portrayal of the Negro in American Painting," City Series,
Forum Gallery, New School of Social Research, New York, NY
1965 Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark
American Academy , Rome, Italy
1964 "The American Conscience," New School of Social Research, NY
Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark
American Academy, Rome, Italy
1963 New School of Social Research "Landscape in Recent American
Painting," New York, NY
Pennsylvania Academy, Fellowship, Annual, Philadelphia, PA
1962 Cheltenham Annual, Philadelphia, PA
Museum of Modern Art, Rental Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1961 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, CA
California School of Fine Arts (San Francisco Art Institute),
San Francisco, CA
1953 Carnegie Museum of Fine Art, Pittsburgh, PA
1952 Carnegie Museum of Fine Art, Pittsburgh, PA



1989 Visual Arts Award: South Eastern Center for Contemporary Art
1984 National Endowment for the Arts Award
1977 National Endowment for the Arts Award
1976 Guggenheim Fellowship
1975 KQED Art Award, San Francisco, CA
Granger Memorial Award, The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
1972 Society of Four Arts Award, Palm Beach, FL
1970 Atwater Kent Award
1968 Lee Cultural Center Award, Philadelphia, PA
1964 Prix de Rome, 1964-66
Ford Foundation Purchase Award
1961 Schwabcher Frey Award, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
1959 Pittsburgh Playhouse Gallery Invitational, Third Prize
1957 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania,
First Prize in Oil Painting
1956 Cresson European Traveling Scholarship
Eakins Prize (Thomas Eakins)
Thoron Oil Painting Prize, First Prize
First Prize-Figure Drawing, First Prize - Oil Composition,
Pennsylvania Academy Scholarships



1961 MFA, California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, CA, USA
1960 BFA, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
1957 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA
1955 Barnes Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
1953 National Scholastic Scholarship, USA
1953 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


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